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Trees for the Future


Fields & Ferns

Forests and their impact on the health of our planet is immeasurable. Right now, our planet loses approximately 90 acres of land per minute. The degradation of this land largely occurs in the developing tropics of Latin America, Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. In these areas, small farming families mistakingly use harmful agricultural methods that lessen their soil, water, trees, and biodiversity. This makes them increasingly vulnerable to the harmful effects of climate change and further degradation of their land becomes cyclical.

Trees for the Future aims to put an end to the degradation of land and poverty by selecting 200 farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa to join their program that will help them learn to regenerate their land.  Farmers who partner with Trees for the Future are put through a 4-year training program called the Forest Garden Approach, in which they learn how to regenerate their land by planting thousands of trees that will help bring their soil back to life.



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Upon the completion of the program, farmers will graduate with the ability to continue to sustainably manage their land.


Fields & Ferns believes in supporting powerful incentives that help to ensure that land is preserved and maintained responsibly so that our natural resources can continue to support us.


This year, we will be donating 2% of all our sales to Trees for the Future. Every quarter we will be announcing how many trees we have planted so stay tuned here for updates.


You can learn more about Trees for the Future by visiting their site here.





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It's a win win situation. In addition to planting these trees, farmers will learn:

- How to diversify their crops with a vegetable and fruit tree portfolio to meet the family’s priority nutritional and selling needs.

- Their income increases.

- Soil becomes fertile again.

- Improvements to the environment are made which help combat the negative effects of climate change.

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